Artist Statement I am interested in returning events in nature that ground us, the dynamic between nature and our frailty and weaknesses as humans; a continual process of rebalancing and adjusting. I work in dimensional layers crossing between real and imaginary in my installations. I recycle natural forms, curious objects, visual impressions of the landscape and the elements of nature, lost fragments, imprints and forgotten stories. I look for subconscious links with the landscape, memories and fiction that are perhaps hidden or distorted in our awareness. I hope to engage people to reflect on their subliminal relationship with nature, to explore real and imagined perceptions, and perhaps to create new and stronger connections. I believe that increasing this awareness enables us to understand ourselves better and helps us to appreciate the essential need to coexist in harmony with this planet.
August 2021
CategoriesIf any member would like to be our next Featured Artist of the Month then please email no more than 5 images and an Artist Statement at 250 words maximum with any website, social media and email links.
This will also be shared on our social media platforms, Facebook @GossipArtCollective and Instagram @gossipartcollective Afterwards, you will be added to our archive list. |